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  • Curves (曲线)
    • Bezier Curves (贝塞尔曲线)
    • De Casteljau’s algorithm
    • B-splines, etc.
  • Surfaces
    • Bezier surfaces
    • Triangles & quads (三角形&四边形)
    • Subdivision, simplification, regularization (细分、简化、规范化)


Bezier Curves (贝塞尔曲线)

Defining Cubic Bézier Curve With Tangents

只要求一定要经过起止点, 起止点之间的若干个控制点用于控制曲线弯曲的方向, 最终形成一条经过起止点的光滑曲线被成为贝塞尔曲线.

Bézier Curves – de Casteljau Algorithm

Consider three points (quadratic Bezier) (考虑三个点(二次贝塞尔))

Insert a point using linear interpolation (使用线性插值插入一个点)

Insert on both edges (两边插入)

Repeat recursively (重复递归)

Run the same algorithm for every t in [0,1] (对[0,1]中的每个t运行相同的算法)

Cubic Bézier Curve – de Casteljau

Four input points in total, Same recursive linear interpolations (总共四个输入点, 同样的递归线性插值)

Evaluating Bézier Curves Algebraic Formula (算法评估)

Bézier Curve – Algebraic Formula (公式)

de Casteljau algorithm gives a pyramid of coefficients (给出了系数金字塔?)

Example: quadratic Bézier curve from three points

  • 引入参数t(范围[0, 1])
  • b0b1, b1b2上t位置的点b01,b11
  • b01, b11连接
  • b01b11 t位置上的点b02
  • 将[0, 1]上所有的b02点都遍历一份相连即可得到贝塞尔曲线
  • 若有n个控制点则将上面步骤进下递归操作直到找到最终位移b0n

Bernstein form of a Bézier curve of order n: (n阶公式)


bn(t): Bézier curve order n (vector polynomial of degree n)

bj: Bézier control points (vector in RN) (贝塞尔控制点)

Bjn(t): Bernstein polynomial (scalar polynomial of degree n) (伯恩斯坦多项式)

求得以t为自变量的函数, 由这些点形成的集合构成贝塞尔曲线.

Bernstein polynomials (伯恩斯坦多项式):


Example: assume n = 3 and we are in R³

i.e. we could have control points in 3D such as:


These points define a Bezier curve in 3D that is a cubic polynomial in t:

  • 对贝塞尔曲线做仿射变换只需要对控制点、起止点做仿射变换再重新绘制一遍即可
  • 对投影变换没有这样的性质

Convex Hull (凸包)

  • 贝塞尔曲线拥有凸包的性质
  • 连接贝塞尔曲线最外围的控制点, 将其相互连接形成一个封闭空间, 画出来的贝塞尔曲线一定在凸包范围内
  • 若贝塞尔曲线是一个直线则凸包也是一个直线

Piecewise Bézier Curves (分段贝塞尔曲线)

高阶贝塞尔曲线难以控制, 不常用.

Instead, chain many low-order Bézier curve, Piecewise cubic Bézier the most common technique

若想要逐段贝塞尔曲线平滑过渡则需要将相邻控制点共线, 否则会出现该曲线后边段的不平滑现象.

Widely used (fonts, paths, Illustrator, Keynote, …) (广泛使用(字体,路径,Illustrator, Keynote,…))

Demo: David Eck,


Two Bézier curves


Assuming integer partitions here, can generalize (假设这里是整数分区,可以推广)

C0 continuity: an=b0 (将两个逐段贝塞尔曲线中的两部分连接, 连接点被称之为C0连续)

C1 continuity: an=b0=12(an1+b1) (若相邻两个控制点距离连接点相同且共线则该连接点被称之为C1连续(在连接处一阶连续可导))

Bézier Surfaces

Extend Bézier curves to surfaces (扩展到曲面)

Bicubic Bézier Surface Patch (双立方贝塞尔表面贴片)

Bezier surface and 4 x 4 array of control points

Evaluating Bézier Surfaces (评估)

Evaluating Surface Position For Parameters (u,v) (求参数(u,v)的曲面位置)

For bi-cubic Bezier surface patch,

Input: 4x4 control points

Output is 2D surface parameterized by (u,v) in [0,1]2

(对于双立方贝塞尔曲面贴片,输入:4x4个控制点 输出为2D曲面,参数化为[0,1]2中的(u,v))

Method: Separable 1D de Casteljau Algorithm

Goal: Evaluate surface position corresponding to (u,v)

(u,v)-separable application of de Casteljau algorithm

  • Use de Casteljau to evaluate point u on each of the 4 Bezier curves in u. This gives 4 control points for the “moving” Bezier curve
  • Use 1D de Casteljau to evaluate point v on the “moving” curve

懒得翻译了, 大概思路就是: 与二维的贝塞尔曲线思想类似, 但是需要定义两个参数u和v(取代之前的参数t)

先对f(u)进行遍历得到曲线,再嵌套遍历得到曲面f(u, v), 类似于两层for循环进行遍历.
