Shading(Lumination, Shading and Graphics Pipeline)
照明, 着色和图形管道
What We’ve Covered So Far (到目前为止我们已经涵盖了什么)
Shading: Definition
Blinn-Phong Reflectance Model
A Simple Shading Model (Blinn-Phong Reflectance Model) (一个简单的着色模型 (Blinn-Phong反射模型))
Perceptual Observations (感性的观察)
Shading is Local (阴影是局部的)
Compute light reflected toward camera at a specific shading point (计算在特定位置反射到相机的光 阴影点)
- Viewer direction, v (观察方向)
- Surface normal, n (表面法线)
- Light direction, I (for each of many lights) (光照方向,I(多个光源中的每一个))
- Surface parameters(color, shininess, …) (表面参数(颜色,亮度,…))
No shadows will be generated! (shading ≠ shadow) (没有阴影将生成!( 阴影 ≠ 影子 ))
Diffuse Reflection
Diffuse Reflection (漫反射)
- Light is scattered uniformly in all directions (光在各个方向均匀地散射)
- Surface color is the same for all viewing directions (表面颜色是相同的所有观看方向)
- But how much light (energy) is received? (但是接收了多少光(能量)呢?)
- Lambert’s cosine law (兰伯特余弦定律)
- 光照衰减
Lambertian (Diffuse) Shading (兰伯特漫反射着色)
Shading independent of view direction (着色独立于观察角度)